The Foundation Cigar Company Victorian Highclere Castle Maduro is a premium cigar that was first released in 2019. This cigar is a collaboration between the Foundation Cigar Company and Highclere Castle, the ancestral home of the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon, located in Hampshire, England. The cigar is named after the Victorian era of Highclere Castle's history, and is made with a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos.
The Victorian Highclere Castle Maduro features a dark, oily wrapper that is grown in the San Andres Valley of Mexico. The binder is Nicaraguan and the filler blend includes tobacco from both Nicaragua and Honduras. This results in a medium-to-full-bodied cigar with complex flavors of dark chocolate, coffee, and spice, with a slightly sweet finish.
The Victorian Highclere Castle Maduro has received positive reviews from cigar enthusiasts and critics alike. Cigar Aficionado gave the cigar a score of 92 points, noting the cigar's "excellent balance and harmony." Halfwheel also reviewed the cigar favorably, describing it as "one of the best cigars to come out of Nicaragua in the past year."
In addition to critical acclaim, the Victorian Highclere Castle Maduro has also received several awards. In 2019, it was named the #5 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado, and it also received a spot on Cigar Dojo's list of the Top 10 Cigars of the Year for 2019.
Overall, the Foundation Cigar Company Victorian Highclere Castle Maduro is a highly-regarded premium cigar with complex flavors and a well-balanced blend. Its combination of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos, along with its Mexican San Andres wrapper, result in a rich and satisfying smoking experience.